Since I finished my final exam, I think, I'd watched about 20 movies i Think...maybe more..Hohoho..Even my table full of "kulit snack yg habis dimakan semasa menonton"...Hohoho... Coz I don't know what to do actually..dis winter I haven't plan anything to go somewhere..maybe after dis i'll be going somewhere but outside is cold..I dont like to wear the winter cloth actually..Merimaskan sahaja..I think all my PPOU friend just finished their exam(Melb uni)..Hohoho
>>Mai sangat gembira I think...
Keadaan meja menonton movie
P/s : Just realized that the coding when browsing using IE is not good because the placing and resizing. Previously I edit this template and browse it with Mozilla and assume that IE is the same but it is not..Anyway, the error fixed!!Yeah Hell
19 June 2007 at 19:08
ye fakhri.. sy saangat gembira.. huhu..
movie marathon? sy dah muak dok dpn kompite.. kuar le jenjalan.. melben ni byk tempat menarik dan lawo2!
19 June 2007 at 19:11
Mai: Sejut la mai..terasa mahu berhibernasi sahaja didalam rumah..hohohoho
19 June 2007 at 20:50
sy juga membuat movie maraton..dh abes 1 series cite korea 16 episod..skrang dlm proses cite ke-2 pulk..sronoknya dh abes exam
20 June 2007 at 02:31
Movie Marathon (trailer)
25 January 2008 at 12:59