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The Experiment

Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim and assalamualaikum..

Just stopping by because this week is my “very-busy-week”. Actually I just finish “bersahur” and about to sleep.. By the way, now I’m working on my 2 assignments. Have 3 assignments to submit this week. (1 down, 2 more to go. YeaY!!).

Oh ya. This entry is about my study. I have one equation for myself. The equation is:

Computer = Not Study

No computer = Library ~ Study

Haha..I am a computer-addict. Very very much. I just finished an experiment on myself. This experiment took about 4 days to complete to make sure that the experiment is “matang”. So, this is report of my experiment.

------Experiment Start------

To determine the study level of Muhammad Fakhri when has a computer in front of him at different places.


When the place is at library and without Laptop, Muhammad Fakhri will study

Inference: Laptop and room is inversely proportional to study

Appliances: Laptop, Books, Assignment, Muhammad Fakhri

Place of experiment: Library, Room


1) Muhammad Fakhri (MF) was given a laptop and 3 assignments and the result taken and recorded from his “kelakuan” towards assignments and laptop. The place is room.

2) Step 1 was repeated but using Books and Laptop and the result recorded. The place is room.

3) Step 1 was repeated but only using assignment and the result recorded. The place is room.

4) And again but in different place, MF needs to go to library. MF was given assignments and laptop and the result recorded.

5) Step 3 was repeated but without Laptop. (Not the same day as in step 3)


Appliances used



Assignment + Laptop


Not Study



Not Study

Books + Laptop


Not Study

Assignment + Laptop


Not Study




As the conclusion, Muhammad Fakhri is better far away from computer and his room to get the good results in his final exam that will be coming in less than a month. So, the hypothesis is correct.

-------Experiment End -------

Actually I wanna get good results in my exam this semester because, I am kecewa=not satisfied with my last semester exam ; sape suruh ko xstudy betul2? ..And, this is the time I want to bounce back. Yeahh!!! I am resilient. “Zahidi said so”. Hohoho..

Ok lah..We stop here lah (Must be like Mr Joe). Pray for my success.

p.s: Just about to start confrontation towards my laptop.
p.p.s: Wanna start my personal study week. Starting Now.


  1. Ann said...

    ha3..laptop+study mana bley sm2..cnfm xmnjd..slmt mnstadikn diri..begitu rajin skali ada 3 assgnmt nk kna submit ari isnin ni..dlm erti kata akan raya dgn assgnmt..tepuk2 tgn utk sy..=)

    10 October 2007 at 18:42  

  2. Bro Syah said...

    teringat eksperimen sekoolah rendah dulu ngan cikgu fauzi..hehe

    21 October 2007 at 11:50  

  3. biskut marie said...

    hahaha.... pintar2...anda pintar sekali! heh~

    22 October 2007 at 10:10  

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